All praise to the Darlington mums who call themselves the Darlomums and, as predicted, arrived in Edmonton on time for their rally at Broad House Hall on Friday, September 5.

They seemed to have gathered a lot of handsome men, amongst others, with them on their long march going through 23 towns and cities during the three week march to London.

The Methodist Church kindly put them up for the night and Morrisons, on request, generously supplied some refreshments.

Indeed Enfield is to be commended for its hospitality to these visitors on a mission.

The aim of the marchers is to tell all politicians the NHS is not for sale.

It is a publicly-owned health insurance scheme. Hospitals losing their major services, the rapid fragmentation of health services, and the almost forced tendering out of those services to the private sector who have self-interest in making a profit is not what we voted for in the last election.

Or what we were led to believe.

The Health and Social Care Act 2012 allowed this to happen despite huge opposition from the medical profession and many learned others.

The aim in reaching London was to make it clear, that they and we want honest debates to take place and honest intentions placed before the public before the next election, with a clear mandate to rescind the bill and get back to the grassroot intention for our NHS.

A monumental crowd of thousands delivered the message in London on Saturday September 6.

Ivy Beard

Littlebrook Gardens, Cheshunt