I hope your report that the start of the Great War was honoured in Palmers Green was a mistake.

The war, which pitted millions of decent people who had no quarrels with their neighbours in murderous conflict with each other deserves no honour, but its victims deserve honour.

That honour would best be served by all nations adhering to the United Nations Charter and being accountable to international courts.

The world’s only superpower, the United States, which boasts its belief in the rule of law and not of men, does not believe itself accountable to any higher authority and furthermore has devised ways in which prisoners held in US run prisons cannot seek the protection its own Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees prisoners on US soil. The United States today exhibits an indecent contempt for the opinions of mankind and its own founding charter.

The United States is not the only evildoer, its allies and client regimes are equally contemptuous of the opinions of mankind, and their opponents, though often equally cruel, are rarely as hypocritical.

D Kennedy

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