A ban on spitting in the borough could be introduced by March after a committee referred a 3,000-strong petition to the full council.

Councillors on Enfield’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee accepted the petition – which has 3,163 signatures – at a meeting last night after months of work by residents’ groups.

The council started the campaign in October, but said it needed voters to sign a petition to convince Government ministers that the idea had support so it could impose a by-law.

Monty Meth, president of Enfield Over-50s Forum, told the meeting: “Prohibiting spitting will educate and help people to appreciate that spitting is no part of this country¹s culture - though unfortunately too many footballers feel it is part of theirs, thus setting a bad example to young people today.

“We have all seen a difference on our streets as a result of the campaign by successive administrations against litter and we’d like to see this extended to spitting, with powers to impose the same £80 maximum fine on those found guilty of defacing our streets.”

People backing the campaign argue that the practice is unhygienic and can spread disease.

If approved, the ban is likely to be enforced by the council's team of eight litter officers, who can issue on-the-spot fines to those caught dropping rubbish.

The idea is now likely to be considered at a meeting of the full council in March.