A HORRIFIC scene greeted parents and children as they arrived at an Edmonton primary school this morning to discover the body of a burnt puppy dumped outside.

Shocked parents tried to protect pupils from the distressing sight, but many were left screaming after spotting the puppy's charred corpse.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, described by eye witnesses as weeks old, had been stuffed into a bin bag, but half its badly-burnt body was left exposed and clearly visible.

One parent at Houndsfield Primary School, in Ripon Road, Edmonton, raised the alarm and the school caretaker promptly removed the bag to prevent other children from coming across it.

The cruel stunt was branded "sadistic" by Jessica Waters, an outreach worker at neighbouring Forest Road children's centre.

She said: "This is just absolutely disgusting. To abuse and torture a little puppy that probably had never done anything wrong, and then dump it outside a school where children are very likely to see it, is sadistic.

"If its owner cannot look after it, there's an animal shelter just down the road. We have had parents come in this morning with their toddlers, who have siblings at the primary school, who are traumatised by what they've seen. A lot of them have pets. It is sick. Just disgusting."

It is believed the puppy could have been left outside the school between yesterday evening and the early hours this morning.

Andrea Nutter, Houndsfield headteacher, said, "Our caretaker, Lee Wilkinson, acted immediately by calling the police and the RSPCA who took the puppy away.

"It is very sad the puppy died.The children were all very well behaved as thet came into school and I appreciate the quick effort made by Lee for taking the matter in hand so efficiently."

The RSPCA and Enfield police were both called to Ripon Road this morning to investigate.

RSPCA spokeswoman Klare Kennett said: "We would like to hear from anybody who knows anything about this poor puppy. It looked like it had suffered before being burned. It might have been used for dog fighting.

"Staffordshire Bull Terriers are lovely dogs, but this dog had clearly been neglected and abused."

She added there were instances of young puppies being used to help train older dogs for fighting.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.