I am writing in response to express the general disagreement in our neighbourhood with the letter that your paper published last week (‘Calming stirs up fury’, Opinion, December 8), written by resident Laura Davenport whose political ambitions seem to have got in the way of common sense.

Those of us who live in the Warwick Road area are delighted that the council has put together an arrangement allowing it to finally implement the 20 mph zone that we have all been hoping for for so long.

Ms Davenport begrudges this achievement with a vague argument about Warwick Road being a busy two-way street, ignoring that this is already the case.

Moreover, because of the compromise solution found by our councillors, at least traffic will now slow down to 20 mph.

I was at the packed meeting where these measures were discussed and although the outcome is imperfect, it is an improvement and was saluted as such by almost everyone.

It’s rare to get progress like this and not very honourable to whinge about it.

Dennis Layton
Natal Road, London N11