DELAYS getting beds and frustration with waiting times were highlighted by patients in a survey on Chase Farm Hospital.

The Care Quality Commission's inpatient survey, released last week, said Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust is performing “about the same” as similar sized trusts in England, but revealed it only scored 5.2 out of 10 for the wait people faced to get a bed on a ward.

Responses were received from 386 people treated at both facilities in the past year, with each question marked out of ten.

A&E treatment, based on results from people admitted in an emergency, scored well in most areas, with people happy with information and privacy.

The Trust fared worse than other similar trusts in the perceived waiting time to be admitted, scoring 5.4 and on feeling they waited the right amount of time to be admitted, with a 7.3.

Although patients gave three out of ten for choice of admission dates this was similar to others.

In terms of care on the ward the Trust scored well across most areas, particularly in patients having single sex wards, access to sanitising gels and for feeling safe.

However, problems were flagged up with the quality of food and the ability to store personal belongings safely.

Doctors and nurses were both rated well by most patients, as were the experiences of operations and procedures and how discharging of patients is handled.

In terms of care and treatment people were happy with most areas, although concerns were raised about availability of staff members to talk about worries and fears in their treatment.

Have you been treated by the Trust in the last year? Do your experiences match this report? Leave your comments below.