A Reverend who has been volunteering at Tottenham Food Hub was awarded a British Empire Medal in the Queen's Birthday Honours List.

Rev. Claudette Young delivered food parcels to those who were shielding at home during the pandemic following several years working with the hub.

More than 200 people benefitted from the hub during the first lockdown in 2020 with the venue seeing a 50 per cent increase in demand.

Rev. Young said: "I’m very excited about receiving a British Empire Medal. I never set out to achieve an award. My work is for the Lord and I shall get my reward in heaven.

"But receiving a reward whilst I’m on this earth is not what I was expecting. I had no idea that anyone would want to nominate me.

"Who would’ve thought little old me from humble origins would get an award. I thought it was only for rich people. When I received the letter I almost threw it away because I didn’t know what it was and thought it was just a circular. I couldn’t believe it when I read it."

Enfield Independent:

She added: "I don’t do what I do for rewards. I do it to show love because God loves me and demonstrates his love for them through me. This is definitely for all the volunteers who help me to do what I do at the Tottenham Food Hub."