The Enfield Independent has asked every parliamentary candidate to give five reasons they should become an MP next month.

Douglas Coker, Green Party candidate for Edmonton, sets out why people should vote for him on May 7.

1) A vote for me is a vote for a genuinely anti-austerity candidate.  If £375billion in quantitative easing can be found to bail out the banks, money can be found to reverse the cuts in essential services.

2) I recognise the dangers of climate change and the need to rapidly and dramatically reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. We all need this planet to be able to support "life as we know it" on into the second half of this century and further.  The young and those yet to be born depend on this.

3) Providing more and better homes in Edmonton is a top priority. These homes should be built to a high standard, affordable and energy efficient.

4) This and other measures to decarbonise our economy will create a range of much needed jobs for residents in Edmonton.

5) We also need to retain our NHS in the public sector, renationalise our railways, get air pollution down and wages up for lower paid workers.