A network of experts has been set up to stop child sexual exploitation.

The Enfield Safeguarding Children Board will bring young people, professionals and council leaders together as part of National Child Sexual Exploitation Day tomorrow to look at what action is being taken to help children.

It will also launch a new professional network of CSE Champions trained to identify the signs of child sexual exploitation.

Tomorrow’s event will ask people to make a pledge and support the board in putting a stop to child sexual exploitation in Enfield.

The day coincides with Operation Makesafe, a police operation which raises awareness among licensed businesses such as taxi firms and hotels.

Enfield Safeguarding Children Board chairman Geraldine Gavin said: “Our CSE Champions will play a vital role in identifying and tackling CSE in Enfield and will help protect our children and young people from harm and abuse.

“We will not sit idly by and we are absolutely committed to putting in place the safeguards we need to ensure that children are protected and families in Enfield know that they can come forward and raise concerns, and that something will be done about them.”

Enfield Borough Council’s cabinet member for education, children’s services and protection, Cllr Ayfer Orhan, said: “We have all heard and seen the news reports about the horrific abuse perpetrated against children in places such as Rotherham and Oxford and we must not be complacent in any way.

“We are doing everything we can to identify, address and eliminate child sexual exploitation in Enfield and we will never rest on our laurels or be complacent about the potential threat this type of behaviour poses our young people.”