An Enfield teacher has praised a year-long film project to help increase knowledge of different cultures.

Honilands Primary school, in Lovell Road, Edmonton, took part in the Into Film project, which helped make films about different communities at the school.

Teacher Mario López-Goicoechea said:  “As part of our large school community we have children new to the country or pupils who have relocated to the UK after living abroad for a long time. Through this project we wanted to reach out to them and their cultures.

“The project provided members with a platform from which they were able to talk about their culture and traditions.  It has helped them to develop better self-esteem and confidence.

“The project was run by Into Film, an education charity supported by the BFI through Lottery funding.  It was set up to provide teachers with new ways of supporting pupils who have recently come to the UK from other countries, increase pupils’ global and cultural knowledge, and foster greater empathy and understanding.

“Film club members were encouraged to watch a selection of recommended, classic and popular films, hand-picked by Into Film’s programming team with the aid of external expert advisors and supported by teaching resources containing discussion questions, simple filmmaking projects and other activities to enhance screenings. Pupils were also encouraged to write reviews.”