An investigation is under way after a small house was apparently built on an allotment plot.

The wooden structure at Barrowfield Allotments in Edmonton has a front door, window and even a chimney. There is also a trampoline in front of it.

The person who took the photo, who has been on the waiting list for an allotment for 18 months, criticised Enfield Council’s management of the site as she says several plots lay “derelict and misused”.

It was in March she first noticed a “ridiculous” structure being built on one of the plots.

She said: “The building is huge, it has UPVC windows and a chimney built with bricks and mortar.

“I know you need to ask permission to build a shed, but I’m pretty sure it’s too big. The thing is, the plot already has a massive trampoline on it, which loads of plots have.”

While the council website states a “small garden tool shed” is permitted on allotment plots, “dwelling houses, chalets, summer houses,  kitchen facilities, verandas and canopies” are not allowed and, if found, “could result in a termination of the tenancy agreement”.

The resident said she had reported instances of misuse to a contact at the council but the situation has remained unchanged. She added: “My point is, it’s an allotment to grow things, I want to grow things, and I’m seeing a lot of allotments left with nothing happening to them, or being places to hang out or build buildings.”

In response a council spokesperson said: “Allotments in Enfield are incredibly popular and there are substantial, proven benefits to tending an allotment.

“As a result, we have long waiting lists for most, if not all our allotment spaces. We appreciate applicants’ patience and will let them know as soon as possible when plots are available.

“Once a plot is assigned, tenants are given clear guidance on how they should be maintained, used and to what standard. We’d like to thank the resident for bringing these issues to our attention and we will investigate and take action as appropriate.”