The leadership of Enfield Council swung from Conservative to Labour on May 6 - but how do the past and present leaders compare? REBECCA LOWE interviewed Mike Rye and his successor Doug Taylor to see how they stand up against one another.

MIKE RYE: Conservative council leader 2002 - 2010

AGE: 50.

ADDRESS: Inverness Avenue, Enfield.


FAMILY BACKGROUND: Born in North Middlesex Hospital and educated at St Andrews and Bishop Stopford Schools. Attended the University of Wales Lampeter and Oxford University. Has taught since 1982 and now works as a deputy headteacher at a secondary school in Hertfordshire.

HOBBIES: Cricket (he is a member of Middlesex County Cricket Club), Tottenham Hotspur, gardening, history (as North London chairman of the Historical Association).

BRIEF WORK BIOG: Officer in the Conservative Party since 1978 and chairman of Enfield North Conservative Association before election to the council in 1994. Leader of the Conservative group since 2000 and leader of the council since 2002.

MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS AS LEADER: Turned around the council finances; invested in roads and pavements; planted 1,000 more trees; created new libraries in Enfield Town, Oakwood, Bush Hill Park and Fore Street, Edmonton; refurbished Millfield Theatre; won lottery funds to save Forty Hall from closure; invested in North Circular Road properties; opened new leisure centre in Edmonton Green.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE LEADERSHIP: Clear, decisive and successful.

ADVICE FOR SUCCESSOR: Manage the budget well and you have the opportunity to deliver your priorities.

DOUG TAYLOR, Labour council leader 1999-2002, 2010-onwards.

AGE: 55.

ADDRESS: Not given, due to Stephen Timms incident.

MARITAL STATUS: Partner and two adult children.

FAMILY BACKGROUND: Born in County Durham, gained MA in political science from Hull University, moved to London and started work in market research. Moved to Enfield in 1982.

HOBBIES: Tottenham Hotspur, gardening, playing golf (but doesn't have time), chilling out with a glass of red wine.

BRIEF WORK BIOG: Worked in market research, dealing with campaigning and personal finance issues. Elected to council in 1998 and Labour leader from 1999 to 2005. Labour portfolio holder for finance and resources from 2009 to 2010.

MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS AS COUNCIL LEADER: Stabilising the council finances in face of severe pressure from homelessness and social service demands, leaving the council a "better than balanced"

budget in 2002; introducing a corporate vision for the council and a new strategic direction to guide officer action; creating an open administration for residents to approach; introducing the first comprehensive consultation on the council budget; introduced proptype cabinet system.

THREE WORDS TO DESCRIBE LEADERSHIP: Inclusive, co-operative and supportive.

MAIN AIMS AS LEADER: To see the Labour commitments to fairness, growth and sustainability embedded in council thinking. To deliver quality services and share the benefits of a successful council across the whole borough. To make the whole of Enfield a place of choice to work, live and study.