I WRITE regarding Haringey councillors' pay boost.

The 255 per cent pay hike for Cllr Toby Harris is disgraceful.

The 900 per cent rise for `basic' councillors' allowances is greed, pure and simple.

The increase for chair-persons seems to be a hefty 100 per cent, up to 200 per cent.

If these payment increases to councillors are a sample of the `wider scheme to shake up councils' all of us in the borough who pay their council tax will soon need bank loans to keep the `fat cat' councillors well fed.

I stood as a prospective Conservative councillor at the recent elections, and can now say that I am happy NOT to have been elected for my ward.

Now I can hold my head up with pride knowing that I am not robbing the people I sought to freely represent.


White Hart Lane,

Wood Green.~

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