ENFIELD Council has refused to reveal which schools in Enfield have confirmed cases of swine flu.

On Tuesday the council said three schools in Enfield have confirmed cases of the bug and five have suspected cases. Five schools also have "significant numbers off ill", though it has not yet clarified whether these are all different schools.

While Wilbury primary school released a statement after one of its pupils was confirmed with the flu bug, and others were unconfirmed cases, the council has decided to keep the identity of the other two schools secret and the schools have themselves have not released the information.

Enfield Council said this was because "of the changing nature of the situation," and said parents at the affected schools had all been sent letters informing them.

A check of all the websites of all state primary and secondary schools in the borough showed only one school had put up information about confirmed or suspected swine flu cases.

Bishop Stopford School says one boy has been confirmed to have the H1N1 virus. The statement, from headteacher Elizabeth Kohler, said: "I have spoken to Enfield Council and the advice from them is that Enfield schools do not close: "the virus is clearly circulating in the community and therefore closing the school would not help to slow the spread of the virus".

"Any parent who feels that their student may be especially vulnerable to the virus, for whatever reason, should contact his or her GP or NHS Direct for advice."

And a Year 10 pupil of Kingsmead School is also a thought to have come down with the virus, though this has not yet been confirmed.

A source, who said he was releasing the information "so people can make up their own minds as to what to do" said: "The head (Yvonne Barry) is still considering if she should write to the parents or not."

Has your child's school been affected? Call the newsdesk on 0208 884 7414