A drug addict who strangled a “kind and generous” woman in her own home in Edmonton has been jailed for more than 20 years.

Susan Ioannou was found dead in her home in Church Street on the evening of February 21, 2022.

The 58-year-old had suffered catastrophic injuries after a brutal attack in which she was strangled, stamped on, and sustained a number of heavy blows to her face.

A post-mortem examination later established the cause of death as traumatic head and chest injuries, with compression of the neck.

Deka Omar, 24, was found guilty of her murder following a retrial at Snaresbrook Crown Court in March.

Yesterday (June 6), she was jailed for 23 years at Inner London Crown Court.

Police have said that Omar, who had no fixed address, had befriended Susan, preying on her “kind nature” to help fund her own drug addiction.

CCTV and witness statements allowed investigating officers to trace the 24-year-old to Susan’s home on the night before she was found dead.

Omar was found to have stolen Susan’s phone before leaving the murder scene, and that she had then asked a number of people to check up on the 58-year-old, claiming “something may have happened” to her.

No official motive for the attack was ever identified by police, although Detective Inspector Jim Barry has claimed that Omar “wanted more” from Susan.

He said: “Susan was kind and generous, supporting those around her, even though she had little.

“One of those she helped was Omar, who wanted more and violently killed Susan whilst she was in her place of safety, her home.”

Omar was arrested on suspicion of murder the day after Susan’s body was found, but was not charged until February 26 the next year.

Detective Inspector Jim Barry said: "I would like to thank Susan’s friends who helped throughout the investigation ensuring that she finally had justice.

“This verdict will bring some comfort to those who knew Susan, including her family, and I hope, reassure the public at large.

“Murder is not a common crime, but the effects on loved ones when a life is taken by violence is devastating.

“We will continue to work hard to get justice for the victims and their families and to make our city a safer place.”