New research has revealed that over half of Scots are "more concerned" about paying their energy bills this winter compared to last with under half being just "as concerned".

While some measures have been introduced to help alleviate the strain of energy bills on households across Scotland, many are still struggling.

With this, searches for 'how to keep a house warm' have skyrocketed by 129% in the past year with a 53% rise for 'energy saving tips' also reported.

To help with this, EDF has invested more in helping homes become more energy-efficient through the likes of the Great British Insulation Schemes (GBIS).

Enfield Independent: A number of Scots are turning to Google to find ways to save on their energy bills.A number of Scots are turning to Google to find ways to save on their energy bills. (Image: Getty)

With energy bills set to almost double, the firm has revealed some cheap and easy solutions to heat your home, using methods widely shared online.

How to heat your home cheaply as over half of Scots 'more concerned' about energy bills 

Here are some of the top tips for heating your home cheaply, using some popular online methods being searched for by people in Scotland.

  • Place cling film over your windows
  • Close your curtains to keep the heat in 
  • Dry your clothes on a radiator 
  • Draught-proof your home by sealing gaps or using excluders 
  • Paint your radiators black
  • Install a carpet 

Other ways to save energy include:

  • Shower at certain times of the day (between 10pm and 8am)
  • Wash clothes at night

Enfield Independent: Heating tips include painting your radiators black and closing your curtains.Heating tips include painting your radiators black and closing your curtains. (Image: Getty)

Philippe Commaret, Managing Director for Customers at EDF said: “It’s clear that as the colder weather approaches, people are concerned about keeping their homes warm in a cost-effective way.

"Tackling the energy efficiency of people’s homes is the number one way we can help to reduce bills and we’re not choosing to stand still or wait. We’re spending an extra £103m on the ECO and Great British Insulation Schemes this year which will deliver savings to thousands of vulnerable customers.”

The ECO and Great British Insulation Scheme includes measures such as home insulation, boiler upgrades, upgrading existing electric heating systems to a more energy-efficient solution or adding a zero carbon heating system like an air source heat pump, all of which will help households save both cash and carbon.

"Since April 2022, EDF has delivered 52,000 energy efficiency measures saving customers £10 million on their bills each year, on average saving 24,298 tCO2 per year, the equivalent yearly emissions of over 6,000 cars."