A keen runner will join 200 others raising money for a charity when he attempts the London Marathon for the first time.

Chris Reid, 25, from Edmonton, will take on the 26-mile challenge across the capital on October 2 in aid of Mencap.

The charity means a lot to Mr Reid because he has learning difficulties and he has received support from Mencap through its supported internship programme, which has led him to gain valuable life skills.

Mr Reid said: “I’m running for Mencap because I want to help someone like me. I’d like to give back to the people that helped me."

Enfield Independent: Chris Reid: Image: Royal Mencap SocietyChris Reid: Image: Royal Mencap Society (Image: Royal Mencap Society)

He says he was inspired to take up running after watching the success of Sir Mo Farah at the London 2012 Olympics, and has since taken part in athletics events in Newham and across London.

Mr Reid added: “I’m really looking forward to seeing the cheering crowds and running down the Mall, past Buckingham Palace to the finish line.”

Edel Harris, chief executive of Mencap, said: “We are delighted that Chris is raising vital funds for us. Join me in supporting Chris by cheering him on, on the day and by donating.”

Visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Christopher-Reid21 to make a donation.