A plan to build ten flats in a conservation area in Muswell Hill has won permission despite providing no on-site affordable homes.

During a meeting of Haringey Council’s planning subcommittee on Monday, councillors approved an application by developer Fortis Green Jersey to build six flats and four mews houses at 109 Fortis Green.

The scheme will involve demolishing the car wash and repair centre that currently occupies the site, which lies within Fortis Green Conservation Area, and building a three-storey block with basement car parking.

There were 49 objections submitted to the council during a public consultation on the plans, including one from local MP Catherine West, who wrote that she was “extremely disappointed” by the lack of affordable homes.

Under London-wide planning policies, developments of ten homes or more should contribute to affordable housing provision. But planning officers wrote that an assessment submitted within the plans showed affordable housing was not financially viable on the site, noting that the developer had agreed to pay more than £277,000 to help build affordable homes elsewhere.

Committee members criticised the council’s failure to publish the financial viability assessment in full and the level of funding provided for affordable homes.

Labour councillor Reg Rice said more affordable homes should be built in the west of the borough. Liberal Democrat leader Cllr Luke Cawley-Harrison said the scheme would have been “a great opportunity to provide affordable housing in a part of the borough that has very, very few affordable houses”.

Speaking in objection to the plans, local resident Chris Halton criticised the density of the scheme and its close proximity to neighbouring houses, in addition to warning over the impact of “extensive excavation” needed to create the basement car park.

He said the high density of the scheme would be incongruous with the surroundings and claimed neighbours would suffer a loss of privacy.

Under questioning from councillors, planning officers said the density of the scheme was in line with London-wide planning policies. Officers also assured the committee they would publish the viability assessment in full and look to ensure the money for affordable homes was spent in Fortis Green ward and the west of the borough.

Speaking on behalf of the applicant, a spokesperson said the density of the proposed development was the same as a scheme that was previously approved for the site.

Cllr Cawley-Harrison called for the application to be deferred until the committee had the chance to see the full viability assessment, but the majority of Labour members voted against this proposal. The plans were subsequently approved, with seven committee members voting in favour and two abstentions.