Developers are to blame for lots of things, but the flooding at Dalton Way and the junction near Bushey Arches around B&Q is not one of them.

That said, I suppose in return for the blank sheet to build as they please around the town, the least that could be asked is for developers to foot the bill for the flood defences and/or sort out the drainage.

In their defence however, establishing if the drainage holds up in torrential rain cannot be readily tested and will only be known the next time it rains.

While there is an Environment Agency, there isn’t a flood agency as such. Maybe it’s time there was one to advise on the efficacy and capacity of flood defence systems required.

The elephant in the room that everyone ignores is of course the extreme weather. In this case the 20cm or so of rain falling in a few hours is yet another example of climate change.

So often the cost of going green is cited as a prohibiting factor. But what about the cost of not tackling climate change?

Dave Degen

Whippendell Road, Watford