A charity has warned domestic violence could soar if planned funding cuts go ahead.

Members of Enfield Saheli, in Fore Street, Edmonton, believe they could face closing down after 25 years if they do not find alternative funding.

The group helps women, in particular Asian women, cope with domestic violence and problems in the home.

However, its core funding from Enfield Council is set to be slashed leaving them to find alternative options for funding.

Esther McGloughlin, a trustee at Enfield Saheli, said: “Since April we have had no grant funding at all for domestic abuse.

“The voluntary sector is like the 10 green bottle scenario, once we fall, it can never be repaired.

“Enfield is a hotspot for domestic violence and abuse – with our funding being cut, we might be forced to close down.”

Concerns were raised as the charity hosted its annual White Ribbon Day to stand up for women against domestic violence.

Ms McGloughlin added: “There is a vulnerability of the groups in the borough.

“There’s just no safeguarding being done. If nothing is done this could create fractured communities in Enfield. Domestic abuse could soar.”

It seems line short-term thinking. Enfield Council is in a very difficult position and we understand the cuts are being made because their budget is being slashed.”

In the last two months there has been almost 500 domestic abuse crimes reporter in the borough.

It is the second highest reported crime in the borough, behind violence against another person.

Councillor Alev Cazimoglu, cabinet member for health and social care, told the Enfield Independent she had sympathy for the voluntary sector but believes the cuts imposed by the Government has forced the council’s hand.

She said: “The Government is placing us in an impossible position.

“We are not in a position to provide the non-statutory funding, the local authority continues to support victims with a community support unit and we have a domestic violence co-ordinator who can be contacted."

The councillor added they will still be funding a refuge to help against domestic violence and will be recommissioning domestic abuse service.

Cllr Cazimoglu added: “We are supporting charities like Enfield Saheli and doing the best we can to help them find alternative funding.”