Having just survived yet another night of fireworks together with my extremely nervous dog, I am writing to ask why people are allowed to disturb the peace so often these days – in fact, since the last days of October each and every night and now well into November.

At one time, we heard fireworks only on November 5, and they were less noisy than today's, with gentle names such as roman candles, silver rain and Catherine wheels (I am showing my age here!). Now though, we are subjected to such loud explosions – reminiscent of the guns in the Second World War, and until all hours.

We are advised to keep pets indoors but you are never sure when a random banger will be let off.

Since last year, we have been subjected to the use of fireworks at Halloween, and New Year’s Eve is now the norm. Where are health and safety when you need them? Children should no longer play conkers in case of injury, yet they are allowed fireworks (not to forget lighted candles on Halloween). Why not restrict fireworks to public displays only for health and safety and peace.

I know I am not alone with these feelings. I wonder whether there is an organisation that could take action in restricting their use?

S Fisher

Westview Crescent, Edmonton