The disabled parking spaces outside the cafeteria at Forty Hall have recently been replaced by parking for cyclists and the disabled are being told they can get a buggy from the car park to Forty Hall. Surely, it should have been the other way around – the cyclists parking at the car park – after all, if you can cycle you do not have a mobility problem.

What if all the buggies are all in use when you get to Forty Hall? Are the disabled expected to decide the day before if they want to visit Forty Hall and prebook a buggy? If so, now the disabled cannot on the spur of the moment, on a nice day, decide they wish to go to Forty Hall in case there is not a buggy available. Also, are these buggies for one person only? If so, this means the person that is unable to walk from the car park is on the buggy on their own instead of with friends. Who made this decision? Obviously not a person with consideration for the less able in our community. Is this not discrimination?

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